
Average - Three types

  1. Mean : Sum of all events / number of events
  2. Median : Middle value
  3. Mode : Most occurred


  1. Range : (highest value - lowest value)
  2. Interquartile Range : mid of right part - mid of left part
  3. Mid range : (Lowest + Highest)/2
  4. Variance (sigma square)
  5. Standard deviation (squareroot(sigma))
  6. Sample Standard Deviation : (n - 1)


  1. Mean Absolute Deviation : Variance without the square


How may (sigma) away from (mean)
It is useful in Normal Distribution

Normal Distribution

Empirical Rule : 68 - 95 - 99.7

Linear Regression and Correlation

Correlation co-efficient(r)

-1 r 1


  1. Residual : Actual - Predicted
  2. Least square Regression
  3. m(slope) = r * (sy/sx)

Random Variable

  1. Discrete Variable : Precise
  2. Continuous Variable : Infinite
  3. Expected Value(Mean)
  4. Variance : (difference b/w mean whole square times P{X})
  5. Probability Density Function : Area under graph
  6. Binomial Random variable :
    1. Outcome is either successful of failure
    2. Each trail is independent
    3. Fixed number of trails
    4. probability (p) on each trail remains constant