
Symbol: a, b, c, d, …
Alphabet: collection of symbols {a, b} ; {c, d, a}
String: Sequence of symbols {aa, bb, cc, ac, da}
Language: Set of strings eg - L1 = set of all strings of length 2 {00, 11, 01, 10}

Finite Automata:

  1. It’s simplest model of computation
  2. It as very limited memory

There are two types:

  1. With Output
    1. Moore Machine
    2. Mealy Machine
  2. Without Output
    1. DFA (Deterministic Finite Automata)
    2. NFA (Non-Deterministic Finite Automata)


Given the current state we will know what the next state will be
It as unique next state
It as no choices and randomness
It is simple and easy

It’s defined by five tuples {Q, sigma, q0, F, del}
Q - Set of all States
Sigma - Inputs
q0 - Start state / Initial state
F - Set of final states
delta - Transition function \

Regular Expression

If finite state machine recognises the language then it’s regular expression the language doesn’t require memory


  1. Union
  2. Concatenation
  3. Star


Given the current state there are multiple next states
The next state is chosen at random or choose all next state in parallel

Its is also defined by the same five states as DFA

Minimisation of DFA

Equivalence states

Mealy Machine

It as six tuples {Q, sigma, delta, del, lamda, q0}
Q - Finite set of all states
Sigma - Finite non-empty set of input alphabets
Delta - Set of Output Alphabets
Del - Transition Function
Lamda - Output function
q0 - Initial state

Moore Machine

Same of Mealy Machine with slight difference in output function