

Software engineering is a framework of building software, it’s essential to build quality and cost effective software. It’s defined as disciplined, systematic and quantifiable approach for the development, operation and maintenance of software.

Characteristics of Software

  • Developed not manufactured in classic sense
  • Doesn’t wear out but becomes unusable
  • Custom build rather than assembling parts

Changing Nature of Software

The various categories of software are:

  1. System Software
  2. Application Software
  3. Web-Application
  4. Artificial Intelligence
  5. Embedded Software
  6. Product-line Software
  7. Engineering and Scientific Software

Legacy Software

Software that is build decades ago is called legacy software. The quality of legacy software is poor, inextensible, no documentation and tests cases and results are not achieved.
Legacy software should be updated for the following reasons:

  • It should get adapted to new computing technology
  • It should be enhanced to implement new business requirements
  • It should be extensible with modern systems and databases

Myths of Software

Myths are widely held but false beliefs and views which propagate misinformation and confusion
Software myths have three categories:

  1. Management Myths
  2. Customer Myths
  3. Practitioner’s Myths

Management Myths

  • Current software methods are enough for building software.
  • Having latest equipment means having latest tools.
  • Adding more programmers to team increases it’s efficiency.
  • Outsource the work we can’t do.

Customer Myths

  • An objective is enough to build software and details don’t matter.
  • Software is flexible and easily modifiable.

Practitioner’s Myths

  • Once the code is written, the job is done.
  • Can’t test the quality of code before running it.
  • Only way of delivering product is final product.
  • Software engineering creates more work and documentation which slows down development.

Software Engineering - A Layered Technology

To develop software we need to go from one layer to another, the layers are:

  1. A quality of focus
  2. Process
  3. Methods
  4. Tools

Method: It has answers to all the “how-to-do” questions during software development
Tools: Provide semi-automatic and automatic support to methods


  • It’s the foundation of software engineering
  • It binds all the layered technology which enables software development on or before the deadline
  • It defines a framework for effective development

Process Framework

It defines a small set of activities that are applicable for all software projects and also include a set of umbrella activities that are applicable for all software processes. Process framework is a collection of tasks. Process framework includes:

  1. Tasks
  2. Actions
  3. Activities

Tasks: Focuses an a small specific objective
Actions: Group of tasks that produce a major work product
Activities: Group of tasks and actions for a major objective

Process Framework Activities

  1. Communication
  2. Planning
  3. Modeling
  4. Construction
  5. Development

Umbrella Activities

  1. Formal Technical Reviews
  2. Software Configuration Management
  3. Risk Management
  4. Software Quality assurance
  5. Measurement

Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)

It is developed by SEI (software engineering institute). It assesses the process followed by an organization and rate the process with different levels. A set of software engineering capabilities are required has you reach different levels of process capability and maturity.
CMMI can be represented in two ways:

  1. Continuous Model
  2. Staged Model

Continuous Representation

Lets the organization decide specific improvements that suits their business requirements and objectives and minimize risk. Levels are called Capability levels. Describes a process in 2 dimensions. Each process area is assessed against specific goals and is rated according to capability levels

Staged Representation

This model is used when you have no clue about how to improve the process for quality software. Levels are called Maturity Levels. It gives suggestions of what things other organizations have found helpful to work with.

CMMI Levels

  1. Initial
  2. Repeatable
  3. Defined
  4. Managed
  5. Optimizing

Process Pattern

A process patten describes a process related problem faced during software engineering work, identifies the problem and suggests proven solutions.
It compromises of the following:

  1. Process Template
  2. Initial context
  3. Problem
  4. Solution
  5. Resulting Context
  6. Related patterns

Process Assessment: Keeps check on the current software with the intention of improving it.

Process Models

Waterfall Model (Classic Life Cycle)

  • Used when all requirements are well understood in the beginning
  • A sequential and systematic approach


  • Rarely used in real life development since projects are always iterative
  • Working model is not available until the end of project

Incremental Model

  • Linear sequential model is not suitable for iterative projects, here incremental model is used
  • Used when initial requirements are reasonably known and compelled to provide limited functionality quickly
  • Functionality expanded further in later releases, software is developed in increments

Rapid Application Model (RAD)

  • It’s an incremental model having short development cycle
  • Creates a fully functional system within a short span of around 60 to 90 days

It consists the following phases:

  1. Business modeling
  2. Data modeling
  3. Process modeling
  4. Application genration
  5. Testing and Turnover

Evolutionary Model

  • Software evolves over a period of time
  • Business requirements often change during the process making the path unrealistic, evolutionary models are iterative.

Types of evolutionary models:

  1. Prototype Model
  2. Spring Model
  3. Concurrent Model

Prototype Model

  • Mock up of a software
  • Used when customer defines a set of objectives but does not identify input, output or processing requirements

Communication(Quick Plan Quick Design ) Construction of Prototype Deployment

Spring Model

An evolutionary model which combines the features of Classic Life Cycle model and iterative nature of Prototype model.
It has four stages:
Planning of Objectives Risk Analysis Development Review

Unified Model

  • It’s an architecture-centric, use-case driven, iterative and incremental development process.
  • Resulted in UML (Unified Modeling Language), a framework for Object-Oriented software engineering.


  1. Inception Phase
  2. Elaboration Phase
  3. Construction Phase
  4. Transition Phase
  5. Production Phase


Software Requirements

IEEE Definition

  • A condition or capability needed by a user to solve a problem or achieve an objective
  • A condition or capability that must be met or possessed by a system or a system component to satisfy the contract

System Requirements

Encompasses both the Users view of the requirement and developers view
User’s Requirement: Statement in a natural language plus diagrams, describing the services that the system is expected to provide.
System’s Requirement: Describe the system’s function, services and operational condition

System Functional Requirements

  • Statement of services that the system should provide
  • Describes the behavior in certain situations
  • Defines the system reaction to particular inputs

System Non-Functional Requirements

  • Constraints on the services offered by the system
  • Include timing constraints and development process
  • Apply to system as whole

Domain Requirements

  • Requirements relate to specific application of system
  • Reflect characteristics and constraints of that system

Functional Requirements

  • It describes functionality or system services
  • It depends on the type of software, expected users and type of system where the software is used.
  • Functional User Requirements may be high level statements of what the system should do
  • Functional System Requirements should describe the system services in detail

Non Functional Requirements

  • Defines system properties and constraints ex: reliability and response time
  • These requirements are more critical than functional requirements and if not met the system is useless


  1. Product Requirements
    1. Efficiency
    2. Reliability
    3. Usability
    4. Portability
  2. Organization Requirements
    1. Delivery
    2. Implementation
    3. Standards
  3. External Requirements
    1. Interoperability
    2. Ethical
    3. Legislative

User Requirements

  • Should describe functional and non-functional requirements so that a non technical person would understand them.
  • User requirements are defined using natural languages, tables and diagrams

Interface Specification

  • All the software system must operate with existing systems that are already implemented and in use.
  • These specifications should be early in the process and included in the requirements document


  1. Procedural Interfaces
  2. Data Structures
  3. Representation of data

Procedural Interface: Where existing programs offer a range of services that are accessed by calling interface procedures. It’s used for calling the existing program by the new program. These interfaces are called Application Program Interface(API)
Data Structures: that are passed from one sub-system to another. Graphical data is an example.
Data Representations: that have been established for an existing sub-system. These interfaces are most common in embedded, real time system.

Software Requirement Document

The requirement document is the official statement of what is required of the system developers. Should include both the definition of user requirement and specifications of system requirement.

Six requirements that document should satisfy:

  1. Specify only external system behavior
  2. Specify constraints on the implementation
  3. Be easy to change
  4. Serve as reference tool for system maintainers
  5. Record forethought about the life cycle of the system
  6. Characterize acceptable responses to undesirable events.

Requirement Engineering Process

To create and maintain a requirement document, the whole process includes four sub-processes:

  1. Feasibility Study
  2. Elicitation and Analysis
  3. Specification
  4. Validation

Feasibility Study: Concerned with assessing whether the system is useful to the business
Elicitation and Analysis: Discovering requirements
Specification: Converting the requirements into a standard form
Validation: Checking the requirements actually define the system that user wants

System Models

Used in analysis process to develop understanding of the existing system or new system. It excludes details. It’s an abstraction of the system.

  1. Context Model
  2. Behavioral Model
  3. Data Model
  4. Object Model
  5. Structured Model

Context Model

Context models are used to illustrate the operational context of a system, they show what lies outside the system boundaries. Architectural models show the system and it’s relationship with other systems.

Behavioral Model

These models are models of the dynamic behavior of system as it is executing. They show what happens or what is supposed to happen when a system responds to a stimulus from it’s environment.

  1. Data-driven modeling
  2. State machine models

Data-driven Model: Concentrate on the flow of data and functional transformation on that data. Show the processing of data and its flow through a sequence of processing steps.
State Machine Models: Describe how a system responds to internal or external events. Shows system states and events that cause transition from one state to another.

Data Model

Used to describe the logical structure of data processed by the system. An entity-relation- attribute model sets out the entities in the system, the relationships between these entities and the entity attributes. Widely used in database design.

Object Model

Used to describe the logical structure of data processed by the system. An entity-relation- attribute model sets out the entities in the system, the relationships between these entities and the entity attributes. Widely used in database design.


Unified Approach to Modeling

UML (Unified Modeling language), it’s primary goal is to establish a standard way to visualize how a system has been constructed. It’s a pictorial language used to make software blue prints.
UML is standard language for:

  • Visualizing
  • Specifying
  • Construction
  • Documenting

Visualizing: UML allows for the creation of visual models and diagrams that help stakeholders understand and visualize aspects of system
Specifying: UML provides a means to specify and define the characteristics and requirements of a system.
Construction: It helps in designing the architecture and components of a system. Documentation: UML is extensively used for documentation.

Building blocks of UML

  1. Things
  2. Relationships
  3. Diagrams

Structural and Behavioral Diagrams

UML has nine diagrams

  1. Structural Diagrams:
    1. Class Diagram
    2. Object Diagram
    3. Component Diagram
    4. Deployment Diagram
  2. Behavioral Diagrams:
    1. Usecase Diagram
    2. Sequence Diagram
    3. Collaboration Diagram
    4. State Diagram
    5. Activity Diagram

Structural Diagram (Static Modeling)

Class DiagramRepresents static class structure and relationshipsModeling Library with classes like Book and Author
Object DiagramShows instances and their relationship at a specific movementDisplaying specific book and member objects
Component DiagramDepicts physical or logical system components and their connectionsIllustrating components like web servers and databases
Deployment DiagramDisplays physical deployment of components on nodes and serversPresenting how servers are deployed

Behavioral Diagram (Dynamic Modeling)

Use case DiagramDefines and actors and their interactions with system through use casesModeling how a customer interacts with ATM to withdraw cash
Activity DiagramDepicts Workflow, processes and actions in a system.Illustrating the steps involved in processing an online order
State DiagramRepresents behavior of an object or sytem.Modeling states of transitions of a Traffic Signal system
Sequence DiagramDisplays interactions with objects over time through messagesMessages b/w user and database during login process

Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)

A data flow diagram graphically describes business processes and the flow of information that passes among them. It also describes inputs and outputs of a process and where the data will be stored.

Elements of DFD

  1. Entities
  2. Process
  3. Data Storage
  4. Data flow

Levels of DFD

  1. Level 0
  2. Level 1
  3. Level 2

Types of DFD

  1. Logical DFD
  2. Physical DFD

Architecture Styles

  • Data-centered architectures
  • Data-flow architectures
  • Call and return architectures
  • Object-oriented architectures
  • Layered architectures

Data centered architecture

Data flow Architecture

Call and Return

Layered Architecture

Assessing Alternative Architecture Designs

An Architecture Trade-off Analysis Method (ATAM)

The design analysis activities which are executed iteratively that are as follows:

  • Collect framework
  • Elicit requirements, constraints, and environment description
  • Describe the architectural styles/patterns that have been chosen to address the scenarios and requirements
  • Evaluate quality attributes by considering each attribute in isolation
  • Identify the sensitivity of quality attributes to various architectural attributes for a specific architectural style.


Structured Coding Techniques

In structured programming, we sub-divide the whole program into small modules so that the program becomes easy to understand. The purpose of structured programming is to linearize control flow through a computer program.This enhances the readability, testability, and modifiability of the program.

  1. Code Block
  2. Sequence
  3. Alternation
  4. Iteration
  5. Nested Structures

Testing Strategies

  1. Unit Testing
  2. Integration Testing
  3. Validation Testing
  4. System Testing

Unit Testing

The module interface is tested to ensure proper information flows (into and out). Local data structures are examined to ensure temporary data store during execution. All independent paths are exercised to ensure that all statements in a module have been executed at least once. Boundary conditions are tested to ensure that the module operates properly at boundaries. Software often fails at its boundaries. All error-handling paths are tested.

Integration Testing

In this the focus is on design and construction of the software architecture. It addresses the issues associated with problems of verification and program construction by testing inputs and outputs.

  1. Non Increment Integration Testing
  2. Increment Integration Testing
    1. Top-down Integration
    2. Bottom-up Integration
    3. Sandwich Integration

Validation Testing

Through Validation testing requirements are validated against s/w constructed. These are high-order tests where validation criteria must be evaluated to assure that s/w meets all functional, behavioural and performance requirements.

System Testing

In system testing, s/w and other system elements are tested as a whole. This is the last high-order testing step which falls in the context of computer system engineering. Software is combined with other system elements like H/W, People, Database and the overall functioning is checked by conducting a series of tests.

  1. Recovery Testing
  2. Security Testing
  3. Stress Testing
  4. Perfomance Testing

Regression Testing

Regression testing is the re-execution of some subset of tests that have already been conducted to ensure that changes have not propagated unintended side effects.
The regression test suite contains three different classes of test cases:

  • A representative sample of tests that will exercise all software functions.
  • Additional tests that focus on software functions that are likely to be affected by the change.
  • Tests that focus on the software components that have been changed. As integration testing proceeds, the number of regression tests can grow quite large.

Testing Tactics

The goal of testing is to find errors and a good test is one that has a high probability of finding an error.

  1. Black Box Testing
  2. White Box Testing

Black Box Testing

This is also called behavioral testing and focuses on the functional requirements of software. It fully exercises all the functional requirements for a program and finds incorrect or missing functions, interface errors, database errors etc. This is performed in the later stages in the testing process.

  1. Graph Based Testing
  2. Equivalence Partitioning
  3. Boundary Value Analysis
  4. Orthogonal Array Testing

White Box Testing

Also called glass box testing. It uses the control structure to derive test cases. It exercises all independent paths, Involves knowing the internal working of a program, Guarantees that all independent paths will be exercised at least once .Exercises all logical decisions on their true and false sides, Executes all loops,Exercises all data structures for their validity.

  1. Basic Path Testing
  2. Control Structure Testing

Basic Path Testing: Control Structure Testing: Types:

  1. Simple Loops
  2. Nested Loops
  3. Concatenated Loops
  4. Unstructured Loops

Art of Debugging

Debugging occurs as a consequence of successful testing. It is an action that results in the removal of errors.

Debugging has two outcomes:

  • cause will be found and corrected
  • cause will not be found

Characteristics of bugs:

  • Symptom and cause can be in different locations
  • Symptoms may be caused by human error or timing problems


  1. Brute Force Method.
  2. Back Tracking
  3. Cause Elimination

Quality Concepts

  • Quality of Design
  • Quality of Conformance
  • Quality Control
  • Quality Assurance

Software Quality Assurance


  • Prepare SQA plan for the project.
  • Participate in the development of the project’s software process description.
  • Review software engineering activities to verify compliance with the defined software process.
  • Audit designated software work products to verify compliance with those defined as part of the software process.
  • Ensure that any deviations in software or work products are documented and handled according to a documented procedure.
  • Record any evidence of noncompliance and reports them to management.

Statistical Quality Assurance

Information about software defects is collected and categorized.
Three core steps:

  1. Define customer requirements, deliverables, and project goals via well-defined methods of customer communication.
  2. Measure each existing process and its output to determine current quality performance (e.g., compute defect metrics)
  3. Analyze defect metrics and determine vital few causes.

ISO 9000 Quality Standards

ISO (International Standards Organization) is a group or consortium of 63 countries established to plan and fosters standardization. ISO declared its 9000 series of standards in 1987. It serves as a reference for the contract between independent parties. The ISO 9000 standard determines the guidelines for maintaining a quality system. The ISO standard mainly addresses operational methods and organizational methods such as responsibilities, reporting, etc. ISO 9000 defines a set of guidelines for the production process and is not directly concerned about the product itself.

  • ISO 9001: This standard applies to the organizations engaged in design, development, production, and servicing of goods. This is the standard that applies to most software development organizations.
  • ISO 9002: This standard applies to those organizations which do not design products but are only involved in the production. Examples of these category industries contain steel and car manufacturing industries that buy the product and plants designs from external sources and are engaged in only manufacturing those products. Therefore, ISO 9002 does not apply to software development organizations.
  • ISO 9003: This standard applies to organizations that are involved only in the installation and testing of the products. For example, Gas companies.